Power strips POWER FRAME - short, 1 power socket, 2 USB charger, 2 custum module

Assambly instruction for Power frame socket block

Assambly instruction for Power frame cover socket block

Power strip POWER FRAME - medium you can put in POWER FRAME COVER - medium or Built in frame POWER FRAME - medium

In power strip there is 1 power socket, 1 module with 2 USB chargers (5.2 V /2.15 A) for smartphones and tablets and 2 empty places for custom modules.

In empty place you can put: module for 1 custom module (35-917.001), 2 custom modules (35-917.000) or module blank cover (35-917.009), if you don't want to put any custom module. For some custom modules you don't need any modules.

In addition you need Device sopply cable GST18.

If you use 2 socket blocks in addition you nead Device extension cable GST18 - 2 pcs and Multiplier.

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