Producer: Siso

Article Name Unit Color Lenght, mm Thickness, mm Height, mm Material thickness, mm Width, mm Price EUR per unit Stock Add to cart
14-AU20X20X2/6A U profile 20X20X20X2 m aluminium 6000.0 2 20.0 8-12 20.0 4.75
upon order 14-AU20X20X2/59I U profile 20X20X20X2 m SS look 5900.0 2 20.0 8-12 20.0 7.13
14-AU40X20X2/6A U profile 40X20X40X2 m aluminium 6000.0 2 40.0 8-12 20.0 8.70
upon order 14-AU40X20X2/59I U profile 40X20X40X2 m SS look 5900.0 2 40.0 8-12 20.0 13.76
upon order 14-AB10-12.40X20 Sealing for U profile m black - - - 12 - 1.06
14-AB8.40X20 Sealing for U profile m black - - - 8-10 - 1.35
upon order 14-AU11.5X12.5X2/6A U profile 11.5X12.5X11.5X2 m aluminium 6000.0 2 11.5 8 12.5 2.09
upon order 14-AU11.5X12.5X2/5A U profile 11.5X12.5X11.5X2 m aluminium 5000.0 2 11.5 8 12.5 2.66
upon order 14-AU15X15X2/6A U profile 15X15X15X2 m aluminium 6000.0 2 15.0 8-10 15.0 3.59
14-AU15X15X2/59I U profile 15X15X15X2 m SS look 5900.0 2 15.0 8-10 15.0 6.12
upon order 14-AU15X12.5X2/6A U profile 15X12.5X15X2 m aluminium 6000.0 2 15.0 8-10 12.5 3.66
upon order 14-AU30X16X2/6A U profile 30X16X30X2 m aluminium 6000.0 2 30.0 8-12 16.0 3.44
upon order 51-15.22.402-9 Acrylic profile for glass, self adhesive Piece transparent 3000.0 11.5 8.0 8.0 4.58 7.44
upon order 51-15.22.402 Acrylic profile for glass, self adhesive Piece transparent 3000.0 11.5 10.0 10.0 4.58 12.64
upon order 51-15.22.403 Acrylic profile for glass, self adhesive Piece transparent 3000.0 11.5 12.0 12.0 4.58 13.93
upon order 51-15.22.403-9 Acrylic profile for glass, self adhesive Piece transparent 3000.0 11.5 12.76 12.76 4.58 8.10
upon order 51-15.22.404 Acrylic profile for glass, self adhesive Piece transparent 3000.0 1.3 14.6 12.0 5.9 11.99
upon order 14-28.25.300-9 L profile for ZAPP system Piece aluminiium 2500.0 8 23.0 8-10 42.0 39.04
upon order 14-28.25.300-5 L profile for ZAPP system Piece aluminiium 3200.0 8 23.0 8-10 42.0 45.20
upon order 14-15.22.407 Sealing for ZAPP L and Z profile m transparent 50000.0 - - 8-10 - 2.27
upon order 14-15.24.410 Sealing for ZAPP L and Z profile m grey 60000.0 - - 8-10 - 1.97
upon order 14-28.25.302 CLIPP profile for ZAPP system Piece aluminium 3200.0 - 15.0 - - 12.80
upon order 14-15.22.408 Sealing for ZAPP CLIP profile, self adhesive m transparent - - - 8-10 - 2.18
upon order 14-15.22.409 Sealing for ZAPP CLIP profile m transparent - - - 8-10 - 2.18
upon order 14-28.25.306 Glass wall profile for ZAPP system Piece aluminium 3200.0 8.5 35.0 8.0 42.0 56.00
upon order 51-28.25.305 Lock striker plate for ZAPP system Piece - - - - - - 1.02
upon order 14-28.25.311-1 Glass profile WAX Set aluminium 2100.0 - 40.0 6-8 31.0 70.40
upon order 14-28.25.310-9 Sealing for WAX profile for 6 mm glass Set black - - - 6.0 - 3.20
upon order 14-28.25.303 Floor mounting bracket for ZAPP system Piece - - - - - - 1.90
upon order 14-28.25.304 Corner mounting bracket for ZAPP system Piece - - - - - - 1.87
upon order 14-AYPC.110.0902 Leveling support Piece - - - - 8-12 - 0.06
upon order 14-AYPC.115.0904 Plug Piece grey - - - 8-12 - 0.42
upon order 14-AYPC.115.0902 Bearing support Piece - - - - 8-12 - 0.77
upon order 14-AYPC.115.0102 Insert Piece - - - - 8-12 - 1.28
upon order 14-AYPC.115.0101 Clip Piece - - - - 8-12 - 1.58
upon order 14-AYPC.115.0004 Cover profile m aluminium 6000.0 - - 8-12 - 4.60
upon order 14-AYPC.115.0001 Guide profile m aluminium 6000.0 - - 8-12 - 12.55
upon order 14-AYPC.115.M6X25 Screws for 8-10 mm glass Packing of 100 pcs - - - - 8-10 - 20.16
upon order 14-AYPC.115.M6X30 Screws for 12 mm glass Packing of 100 pcs - - - - 12 - 20.16
upon order 51-15.22.620 Adhesive PVC profiles for hinged doors Set transparent 3000.0 - - 8-14 - 276.80
upon order 51-15.22.600 Adhesive PVC profiles for sliding doors Set transparent 3000.0 - - 8-14 - 168.00
upon order 14-15.22.670 U-Channel for glass with sealig Piece brushed aluminium 3000.0 4.1 20.5 10.0 18.2 68.80
upon order 51-15.22.640-0 Drop down aluminium profile D Piece aluminium 930.0 - - - - 36.62
upon order 51-15.22.649-0 Drop down aluminium profile B Piece aluminium 830.0 - - - - 41.62
upon order 51-15.22.651-0 Drop down aluminium profile B Piece aluminium 1030.0 - - - - 58.32
upon order 51-15.22.660-0 Drop down aluminium profile B Piece aluminium 930.0 - - 10.0 - 46.98
upon order 51-15.22.680-0 Drop down aluminium profile B Piece aluminium 930.0 - - 12.0 - 50.22
upon order 51-15.22.659-0 Drop down aluminium profile B Piece aluminium 830.0 - - 10.0 - 38.29
upon order 51-15.22.679-0 Drop down aluminium profile B Piece aluminium 830.0 - - 12.0 - 38.29
upon order 51-15.22.661-0 Drop down aluminium profile B Piece aluminium 1030 - - 10.0 - 48.60
upon order 51-15.22.690-0 Drop down aluminium profile D, double Piece aluminium 1030.0 - - - - 38.29
upon order 51-15.22.639-0 Drop down aluminium profile D Piece aluminium 830.0 - - - - 36.62